The Conservative Policy Forum in the West Worcestershire Constituency
1. Overview
Conservative Central Office via the Conservative Policy Forum in London issues around 10 Briefing papers per year: a typical paper has about six pages of notes and about 6 topic questions to be answered. The subjects discussed cover a wide range of topics: from Animal Welfare and the Environment through to Workers and Familes’. The WWCA CPF review and discuss these papers and respond to the questions posed.
2. Objectives of the CPF
To quote directly from the papers mentioned: “CPF Discussion Briefs exist to stimulate debate. They do not represent the views of the Conservative Party”.
3. How it operates
Typically, a briefing paper is issued in the middle of month with responses from the Constituency groups required approximately 6 weeks later.
The responses received are reviewed and a summary sent to the appropriate Minister; Ministerial responses are prepared and published, usually quite some time after the local groups’ deadline.
4. How WWCA responds
The WWCA CPF group is run by Scott Richardson Brown, who sends out the said Briefing papers to all members in the WWCA who have expressed an interest in being part of the CPF. At the moment meetings are held virtually on Zoom with a suggested preferred date of meeting, and a request for members’ attendance/availability. In more normal times the meetings are physically held in members homes with light refreshments provided.
Scott then writes up the comments and results of the meeting for transmission to CPF at Head Office before the deadline expires.
Scott also sends a copy of the Briefing paper to Harriet Baldwin our MP.
5. If you are in any way interested in contributing to our discussions, please get in touch with Scott via our office at